• Loreto Tradition

Mard Ward was a remarkable woman who pioneered the higher education of Catholic women.

Loreto Secondary School Balbriggan, founded in 1857 is a Catholic Voluntary Secondary School for girls. It is a member house of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (I.B.V.M). The Institute was founded in 1609 by the venerable Mary Ward (1585 – 1645). Mary Ward’s vision for her schools was strongly influenced by “Ratio Studurium” of Ignatius of Loyola. The Jesuit influence on Loreto Education has continued to this day in schools spread across the world.

The Irish branch of the Institute was founded in 1821 by Frances Ball, a native of Dublin. Her first foundation was at Rathfarnham and was called Loreto Abbey, from which title the members became known as Loreto Sisters and all subsequent foundations at home and abroad were called Loreto.

    Mary Ward The Founder of Loreto

    Presentation on Mary Ward, the founder in 1609, of the first groups of active religious women in the Church, the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, known in Ireland and throughout the world as Loreto Sisters.

    Loreto Education Kolkata Guidelines

    The Loreto community has schools around the world. We have particularly strong links with our sister schools in Kolkata, India.

    Continuing the Journey

    Continuing the Journey outlines the guiding philosophy for all Loreto Schools.

    Mary Ward Compass

    No one school is like another – and yet, we are one coherent network of Mary Ward schools. The Schools Compass outlines the ethos that binds us together.