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Scléip sa Rang
  • 9 Feb, 2024

Scléip sa Rang

I rith na seachtaine bhain daltaí na dara bliana an-sult as cláir chluichí a chruthú! Rinne na daltaí cluichí bunaithe ar an litríocht agus ar an ngramadach atá déanta againn ó thús na bliana chun…

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Senior German Trip to Germany and Austria
  • 15 Dec, 2023

Senior German Trip to Germany and Austria

Senior German students enjoyed a three-day trip to Germany and Austria this week. Arriving in Munich the students enjoyed a guided tour of the city where they visited the Museums area and K0nigsplatz; the summer…

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Think Languages Day
  • 1 Dec, 2023

Think Languages Day

Today the TYs enjoyed the much awaited think languages day! There was a wide variety of workshops, with activities such as belly dancing, along with Portuguese and Capeiro dancing Students also got the opportunity to…

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European Languages Day
  • 27 Sep, 2023

European Languages Day

On Tuesday, students enjoyed some fun and games in their European languages classes as we celebrated European Languages Day. From crepe making to enjoying ‘le petit déjeuner’ each student was trés heureuse.   Ag an…

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