‘Going Home’
Remembrance Evening.
This year our annual Remembrance Service was recorded and will be shown to Religion classes next week. The theme of the service is ‘Going Home‘. In the recording, the theme is explored through music,prayer, reflections and poetry. Each of us is on a journey, in the same way, our loved ones who have passed were on a journey and have made their final journey home to God. Many thanks to all who prepared the service so that our school community can remember their loved ones who have passed.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord
May perpetual light shine upon them,
May they rest in peace’.
Study Skills
All 6th year students recently attended a Study Skills Seminar provided by Inspireeducation.com. Each student received a Leaving Cert Study Skills Guide and attended an online seminar where they were introduced to a five–step guide to exam success. In addition, they were introduced to a range of study and revision strategies that should enable them to make informed decisions about what is an effective and efficient approach for them. Students also devised an exam countdown planner as part of an exploration of effective time management tools. They were also shown how to prepare psychologically for exam time and how to maximise exam techniques. Inspire education have also provided us with an online parent support seminar which covers:
- The Science of Learning
Practical Homework and Revision Strategies
Student Wellbeing
This link was sent to all parents on Wednesday via email.
LIFT training
Congratulations to our fifth years who have now completed their LIFT training to become facilitators. We wish them the best of luck next week as they begin their round tables with second years https://liftireland.ie/
“Comhghairdeas leis an gclub díospóireachta! Congratulations to the Irish debating team and members Cerys O Mahony, Alison Forde and Grace Branagan-McGale, who won the first round of the Gael Linn comórtas díospóireachta. The team will now progress onto the 2nd round after Christmas. Maith sibh!”
Hard luck to our Under 16 GAA team who lost against Mercy Navan on Tuesday.
Public Speaking
Congratulations to Anna Doyle who participated in the Soroptomist Public Speaking Competition on Saturday 13th. The competition took place in the Carmelite Community Centre on Aungier Street. Anna spoke confidently on the topic of People & Human Rights.

On Tuesday 6B enjoyed a well earned coffee morning treat as they were the winners of the 6th year fun quiz that took place recently.