January 14th
BT Young Scientist Exhibition
The 58th BT Young Scientist Exhibition took place this week. Loreto Balbriggan has had a very long and successful association with the competition. This year was no different with seven groups reaching the final. All the participating students were extremely busy this week doing virtual interviews with the various judges ahead of the final on Friday. Recognition must be given to all the students who have worked extremely hard and have been totally committed to their projects. It is an amazing achievement to reach the final of BT Young Scientist. Many thanks also to the girls’ teachers Ms. White, Mr.Higgins, Mr. Toomey and Mr.Doyle for their constant guidance, dedication and encouragement.
First Place.
Congratulations to 5th year student Jane Oakely and 4th year Erica O’Brien whose project ‘Ants face the maze: light pollution’s effect on Camponotus nicobarensis’ navigational compass’ came 1st in the Biological Sciences Senior Group Prize. The girls also won the prestigious Perigo Award which is awarded to the overall best project in the biological and ecological science category.
Third Place
Congratulations to 1st year, Aoibheann Meally, whose project ‘A study into terrariums’ influence on mental wellbeing of young teenagers’ came third in the Junior Individual Social and Behavioural Science category.
Highly Commended.
- Keeva O’Reilly & Aimee Morris See ya later ALiGAEtor.
- Grace Anderson, Kayan Butt, Aisling Song: How a new form of a cough drop can thicken saliva in order to prevent the spread of airborne diseases.
- Hazel Larkin & Katie Mallon: Do seagulls divert from the colour red?
- Laetitia Nouaha, Sidra Shahzad, Melissa Asare: The Impact of Covid-19 on the Mental Wellbeing of Teenage Girls.
BT Young Scientist Finalists 2022
- Divine Eugene, Clarisse Kanku, Deborah Emeh: How do parasocial relationships affect the wellbeing of teenage girls between ages 12-17?
- Grace Anderson, Kayan Butt, Aisling Song: How a new form of a cough drop can thicken saliva in order to prevent the spread of airborne diseases
100 Years later
Congratulations to Isobel Murphy, 4H, who has won the Dublin regional category of the Treaty Debates Research Project Competition organised by the Houses of the Oireachtas for her project on the life of Dr. Ada English. The competition marks 100 years since the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, 1921. Competition entrants had to research a TD who participated in the Dáil debates that followed the signing of the Treaty. Isobel chose to research Dr. Ada English, one of the six female TDs in the Dáil at that time. Dr. English was a past pupil of Loreto Mullingar who spoke against the Treaty in the Dáil. She was also one of the first female psychiatrists in Ireland.
History Projects
1J were very busy recently recreating medieval castles during History class. There were siome very interesting designs
An Ghaelige.
Míle Buíochas to High Rock Productions, producers of ‘Caith Amach É’ the Irish language show which brings to life the sráith pictúr, which play such an integral role in the LC Irish oral. Sixth year students really enjoyed the production on Friday.
Junk Kouture.
TY students were very busy this week putting the final touches to their costumes for the upcoming competition.
Well done to our senior hockey teams on some excellent performances against Loreto St Stephen’s Green.
Senior A Loreto Balbriggan 3 Loreto St Stephen’s Green 2
Senior B Loreto Balbriggan, 1 Loreto St Stephen’s Green 0