January 29th

This week we celebrated Venerable  Mary Ward Week. As a Loreto school, we are reminded of the connection that we have with all the Loreto schools around the world, that of our shared vision and Catholic tradition.  We are part of a global community albeit at the moment, a virtual community. Throughout her life, Mary faced many challenges but, no matter how hard times were for Mary Ward she was a beacon of light, had a vision of how things could be and never gave up on her dreams for women and what they could achieve. Within her was the fire of God and it is that fire that still shines now.
This week also marked Catholic schools’ week. The theme was how Catholic Schools are places of Faith, Hope and Resilience. Over the last number of weeks teachers and students have worked together building hope and resilience in our shared faith which will help us overcome any challenges that we may face in these uncertain times. In the same way, Mary Ward continues to inspire us through her charisms of Freedom, Justice, Truth, Sincerity and Joy.

We held a Mary Ward Challenge where students and staff could post their pictures on the school’s Instagram and Twitter pages and share with the school community what they were doing to help their wellbeing during this time. It was so lovely to see people sharing the many things that bring joy to their lives.

Congratulations to Ms. Frances Ward who has been appointed to the position of Deputy Principal in Loreto Bray. Ms. Ward has been a valued member of the Home Economics Department for many years and we would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her dedication and enormous contribution to the education of the students and to life in Loreto Balbriggan. Her talent and wisdom will be greatly missed. We wish her well as she embarks on this new chapter of her career.

Congratulations To Ruby Pereira who was awarded an Entrance Scholars’ Award from Trinity College for her excellent Leaving Certificate results.

The school remains closed due to the ongoing pandemic. Please follow the school on Instagram and Twitter for daily updates.