Shrove Tuesday
To celebrate Pancake Tuesday 5th Year Home Economics students enjoyed making pancakes. There were plenty of ‘flipping’ skills on display prior to tasting! In religion class, students in 2A learned about Shrove Tuesday and were treated to pancakes at the end of class.

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday the season of Lent began. Lent is a Christian tradition that is observed in many denominations. It is the forty-day period of reflection where Christians fast, pray, and reconcile with the Lord. The forty days represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan. Lent recalls the events of Holy Week leading up to Jesus’ death and Easter, the principal festival of the Christian church, which celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day.
The Ember Team attended Mass in St Peter and Paul’s Church in Balbriggan. They then helped the religion department with the distribution of blessed ashes to those in the school community who wanted to receive them.
Well done to 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students who hosted a friendly debate competition with Loreto Swords on Wednesday. The teams debated on a variety of issues and it was a great opportunity for our new debaters to learn the basics of debate.
Thanks also to our TY students who acted as adjudicators and timekeepers.
Well done to the 2nd and 3rd year debating teams who represented the school in the octo-finals of the UCD Junior Schools’ debating competition on Thursday night. Special congratulations to Ella Scott and Caoimhe O’Brien, the 3rd year team who have progressed to the quarter finals and to 2nd year Grace Allen, who has progressed to the quarter finals in the individual competition, a phenomenal achievement in such a competitive competition.
Cross Country
On Thursday Loreto Balbriggan’s cross country team braved the cold in the beautiful spring sunshine and competed in the Swords CC cross country event at St Colmcilles GAA club. Congratulations to the team on winning a total of 4 medals winning, Gold, Silver and Bronze for the Minor Event with our three teams placing! We also picked up Gold in the Junior Event.
A reminder to all parents and guardians that the 5th year parent teacher meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 28th from 4.15 pm-6.45 pm. School will finish for all students at 3.45pm.