
TY News
On Monday Ms. Byrne’s TY Rang Gaeilge got creative making videos as Gaeilge. The students showcased all the facilities Baile Brigín has to offer. Maith sibh a chailíní!
Tidy Towns
On Monday Ms. Darcy’s Community Links module group worked alongside the Balbriggan Tidy Towns Committee to plant bulbs and do some litter picking.
It was great for the students to take some pride in their local community whilst also learning about some gardening tips from the volunteers. The girls are very much looking forward to working with Tidy Towns again over the coming weeks.
Future Leaders
As part of their future leaders class, TY students hosted a 1st year Olympics event for all first years. The 1st years had to participate in many fun activities. 1D were the outright winners, winning the most points in each activity to claim their prize, a storm in a teacup voucher.
5th Years had a ‘Cope Cake’ assembly on Friday. The assembly highlighted ways to develop coping skills for when life presents challenging or stressful situations. Afterwrads everyone enjoyed tea, coffee, hot chocolate, a cup cake and of course a chat!
Zoo Trip.
All second years had a fantastic trip to Dublin Zoo on Friday. As part of the trip the students attended a very enjoyable sustainability workshop. The workshop covered issues with a special focus on animal habitat and endangered species and consumer ethical responsibility. They were then free to explore the Zoo and visit the animals.
Well done to our ‘Olympic Team’ who represented our school in the “Loreto Olympics” in Loreto Abbey Dalkey on Thursday The team competed in various fun challenges throughout the day. We will find out the winning school on Wednesday 7th of December when we get to view the footage from the day. Watch this space !!!