Student Leadership
Student Leadership Training
Congratulations to 5th year Senior Prefects and 6th year Captains who have taken part in Leadership Training over the past five weeks. 5th year Senior Prefects have now become LIFT Ireland facilitators and are excited to start delivering the programme to 2nd year students after midterm.
Student Leadership Team 2022/23.
We would like to wish our senior student leadership team, Aisling Patterson (Deputy Head Girl) Josica Vintem( Head Girl) Adriana Ciot and Zara Stafford (Deputy Head Girls) all the very best for the coming academic year. The girls will be fantastic representatives for their year group and will be very positive role models for the entire student body.

Leaving Cert Home Economics
On Friday 6th Years completed their Leaving Certificate Journals. The journals are worth 20% of the Leaving Cert results and will be submitted to the Department of Education in November. The girls celebrated the early completion of their journals with some beautifully decorated cupcakes.
Student Voice

UCD English Debating


Cross Country
On Wednesday 11 students competed in the Clonliffe Brothers Cross Country event in Santry. All girls competed very well and were very pleased with their times. Congratulations to 6th yearHolly Brady who was placed 5th in the senior girls’ race.
The Senior Soccer squad was narrowly defeated 1 – 0 in their season opener vs Ardee Community College in a close fought contest on Tuesday. Plenty of new faces from transition year as well as new 5th and 6th year have joined the team, each of which performed at a top level and will no doubt reap the rewards of their efforts as the season progresses.
The senior basketball team travelled to Maryfield on Wednesday and had a triumphant win with a final score of 44-22. A brilliant second match of the season.
Reminder to parents and guardians that applications are now open for first-year enrolment 2023. Please click on the link below for further information. Please note that applications will close on October 22nd at 4 pm.